Solution > Marketing > Contact Management

Build Stronger Customer Relationship

Modern businesses need intelligence in their contact management. Introducing advanced contact management features with smart lists and powerful automation to revolutionize your customer relationships.

Smart List

Smart Lists are innovative contact lists that allow users to customize and filter contacts based on specific conditions, such as custom fields.

You can select which columns to display, and the Smart Lists update in real-time as contact data changes

Marketing Campaign Segmentation

With Smart Lists, marketers can better target their audience by creating specific lists based on certain criteria.

Sales Lead Prioritization

Prioritize leads based on specific attributes like lead source, lead score, or recent activity. This enables the sales team to focus their efforts on high-potential leads.

Customer Retention Strategy

Identify customers at risk of churn, such as those who have reduced their service usage. These customers can then be targeted with specific retention strategies.

Increase Customer Engagement

Identify customers who haven't been contacted in a while, helping ensure consistent customer engagement.

Product Development Feedback

Identify customers who frequently use a particular product or service. These customers can then be targeted for feedback or reviews, helping with product development.

Success Stories

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See the Whole Picture: Advanced Contact Management that Puts You in Control

Go beyond basic contact details. Our advanced contact management gives you real-time insight into every interaction within your CRM environment. Track communication history, monitor engagement levels, and identify key opportunities - all at a glance.

360° Contact View

Uncover hidden gems with a comprehensive overview of past interactions, preferences, and engagement metrics.

Powerful Activity Tracking

Stay in the loop with automated logging of emails, calls, meetings, and activities on your website!

Automated Workflow

Trigger personalized actions based on activity, ensuring timely follow-up and engagement.

Unleash the Powerhouse Trio: AI, Automation, and Integrations for Sales and Marketing Superpower

Imagine a world where your CRM is more than just a contact list. A world where intelligent AI anticipates your needs, automates tedious tasks, and seamlessly connects with all your favorite tools. That's the reality that awaits with our revolutionary CRM platform.

Meet your new CRM sidekick, powered by the dynamic trio:

  • AI that Knows Your Customers: Sunnyday platform allows you to leverage AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning to manage the conversation, email content creation, image creation, ChatBot conversation, and Workflow automation

  • Automation that Sets You Free: Repetitive tasks become a thing of the past with customizable workflows. Let the system handle data entry, scheduling emails, and sending follow-ups, while you focus on building relationships and closing deals.

  • Integrations that Break Down Silos: Our platform effortlessly connects with the third-party tools or platforms you already use, from marketing automation software, e-commerce to email platforms. No more data silos, just a unified view of your customer journey.

Digital is our passion. We strive to bring internet a better place for people

Contact Us

Mon-Fri: 9AM-6PM

Jl. Kemang Timur no. 90, Jakarta Selatan



0852-8046-3044 (WA Only)

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