The Most Innovative CRM Platform

Sunnyday CRM platform designed to empower sales teams, marketing teams, and customer service professionals. Powered by AI technology, our platform seamlessly integrates a host of powerful features tailored to enhance efficiency and effectiveness across these key business functions.

Turn Customer Data into Sales!

Sunnyday CRM systems are essential for solving data integration challenges among sales, customer service, and marketing teams. They act as a centralized hub for customer data, ensuring all teams have access to the latest information.

Sunnyday CRM creates unified customer profiles, giving teams a complete view for informed decisions. Real-time updates prevent errors, and cross-departmental collaboration fosters teamwork.

Marketing Automation reduces the manual effort required for repetitive tasks such as sending emails, social media posting, and managing customer data.

Sunnyday CRM is equipped with AI Technology and provides analytics for insights, and customization with role-based access ensures data security.

For Marketers

Reach your consumers across multiple channels and touchpoints. Let your customers interact with your brand consistently and seamlessly, regardless of the channels they use.

For Sales Team

Generate Lead using systematic and automated method. Understand the flow of leads through different stages of the funnel. and ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales and marketing endeavors.

For Customer Service

Provide a seamless and integrated customer support experience across various communication channels. Ensuring that the customer receives efficient and personalized support throughout their journey.

Most-Used Features

WhatsApp, Email and SMS Marketing

Send rich, engaging messages to your customers. Reach your customers through personalized message on WhatsApp, Email and SMS.

Omnichannel Customer Communication

WhatsApp, Email, Social Media DM (IG, FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tiktok), LiveChat, Phone and SMS

Sales Funnel Builder

Web and Landing Page builder, Form builder, Booking Appointment, Payment and Transaction, Lead tracking and Sales Pipeline Management

Marketing Automation

Automate engaging follow ups and capture engaged responses from your leads. Our AI based workflow automation enables you to run scheduled and personalized marketing message

AI Integrated Platform

Sunnyday platform allows you to leverage AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning to manage the conversation, email content creation, image creation, ChatBot conversation, Workflow automation

Connect with your customer seamlessly

Connect with your customer through multi-channel communication platforms, all in one dashboard


Reach your customers on their favorite messaging app. Send personalized messages, schedule appointments, share documents, and offer instant support right within your CRM. Get your green ticked, masked WhatsApp account with us.


Tap into the massive Facebook audience. Engage with customers directly on Facebook Messenger and streamline communication across Facebook and your CRM.


Automate email workflows for personalized communications. Trigger automated emails based on customer behavior, like welcome messages, purchase confirmations, and follow-up reminders.


Send timely updates and notifications directly to your customers' phones. Promote flash sales, announce new arrivals, and send appointment reminders for immediate impact.


Connect with the visually engaged crowd on Instagram. Respond to customer inquiries, offer promotions, and showcase your products directly through Instagram DMs.

Google My Business

Manage your online presence directly from your CRM. Respond to reviews, update business information, and post updates on Google My Business listings.

Success Stories

Hey Don't Take Our Words For It Hear From Our Client:

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Run Your Business On The Go

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Tools And Features All One Place.

Feature 1

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Unleash the Powerhouse Trio: AI, Automation, and Integrations for Sales and Marketing Superpower

Imagine a world where your CRM is more than just a contact list. A world where intelligent AI anticipates your needs, automates tedious tasks, and seamlessly connects with all your favorite tools. That's the reality that awaits with our revolutionary CRM platform.

Meet your new CRM sidekick, powered by the dynamic trio:

  • AI that Knows Your Customers: Sunnyday platform allows you to leverage AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning to manage the conversation, email content creation, image creation, ChatBot conversation, and Workflow automation

  • Automation that Sets You Free: Repetitive tasks become a thing of the past with customizable workflows. Let the system handle data entry, scheduling emails, and sending follow-ups, while you focus on building relationships and closing deals.

  • Integrations that Break Down Silos: Our platform effortlessly connects with the third-party tools or platforms you already use, from marketing automation software, e-commerce to email platforms. No more data silos, just a unified view of your customer journey.

Your All-in-One CRM Toolbox

Contact Management

Build smart lists of customers that update instantly, and track every interaction within the CRM

Omnichannel Marketing

Chat, email, text, and message on social media - all from one powerful dashboard

Sales Pipeline Management

Design custom sales pipelines with unlimited stages and drag leads along the path to success.

AI Powered Content Generation

Generate catchy emails, blog posts, and even AI-powered replies to your customers.

Analytics and Reports

Dive deep into data with insightful reports and analytics to guide your every decision.


Automate repetitive tasks and craft personalized customer journeys with powerful workflows.

Asset Builder

Drag-and-drop your way to beautiful sales funnels, emails, websites, forms, and surveys.


Connect your CRM to your favorite tools like e-commerce and task management platforms.

Digital is our passion. We strive to bring internet a better place for people

Contact Us

Mon-Fri: 9AM-6PM

Jl. Kemang Timur no. 90, Jakarta Selatan



0852-8046-3044 (WA Only)

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